Partnership and Bidding Practice Test Quizz Convention Card Creating one’s system On line practice
Partnership & Bidding Practice
Quizz d’enchères avec le Partenaire – Bidding Quizz on every day auctions N°1 N°2
Bidding Practice by Richard Pavlicek
Parternership Bidding by Pamela and Matthew Granovetter PDF
Testez vos développements avec le logiciel Visiobridge et sa bibliothèque de donnes sur la Bridgerie.voilà.net
Test your Partnership harmony on poor Bridge
Partnership notes and agreements , on Bridge Repository by Gary Bernstein
Opatijia 2014 et Budapest 2016
Rejouer Tous les matchs des Bleus à Budapest, les donnes, les videos, les archives BBO, les Feuilles de convention
Rejouer les Donnes d’Opatijia 2014 avec son Partenaire
Voir Rubrique Préparation à la compétition dans la page Psychologie
Comment fonctionne la performance au bridge? extrait du livre de Patrick Burtin comment devenir 1ère série
5 ways to improve your memory by Peter Holland Video
S’entraîner à retenir des chiffres et des cartes à joueur
Tests and quiz
3 séries de Quiz d’enchères sur BCEV
Test your Bridge Skills by Oren Lidor
Quizz publiés par la FFB en 2020
Polls and contest, 46 play contests and 36 bidding polls by Richard Pavlicek
Cardiff Bridge Tutors site anglais dédié aux Quizz
Quizz sur le site du club de Wasquehal

San Diego 1996 : Pairs
OK KO Bridge Movie
North American Swiss 96 Second Final
Test interactifs Enchères , Jeu de la carte , Entames sur GhBridge
Bridge problems as played at the table by Andrew Van der Windt
Double dummy corner by Hugh Darwen
Quizz sur Bridge Academy
Duplicate d’entrainement sur BBO
Baker Bridge conventions et donnes d’entraînement
Sur BBO avec GIB
See Bridge Virtuel page on Claire Bridge
Competitive Bidding practice on BBO by Paul Gibson
How to play and practise with your Partner on BBO
Guide on how to set up on BBO to play Solitaire Bridge against GIB Robots on Victorian Bridge Association PDF
Partnership Bidding and Practise table on Swangames (free)
A case study of the mysteries of the Robot Thought process on New York Times by Philip Alder
Pratique des Chelems sur BBO, comment les programmer.
The GIB Robots on BBO conventions
Forum GIB
Partnership bidding on VBA PDF
The advantage of playing with robots by Louise Lee
Sur FunBridge
S’entraîner en participant à des tournois privés sur Funbridge en paires ou en IMP
Bridge Bidding Analyser with the option Bidding with a partner by E. Piwowar
Correct contract
On line practice
I think we’re on to something. At Bridge Base you are now able to open a table and play against the Gib robots. GIB (Ginsberg’s Intelligent Bridge Player) is billed as one of the world’s strongest bridge-playing computer programs. You can play individually against 3 robots or you and your partner can take on a pair. I have tried both in the last few weeks. I will confess that I kind of like playing against 3 robots and indulging in undisciplined bidding and play, unlike that of my normal, sober bridge persona. Frank and I have also played as partners against a couple of gibs and we may have discovered a tool of some value.
The gibs don’t bid or play too well, but the value I perceive is the ability to discuss every aspect of the hand at your own pace–bidding, play and defense. It is also a relaxed atmosphere because there is nothing at stake.… The point is that we were able to leisurely discuss the bidding and play and we received average defense from the gibs. . You can also practice partnership bidding and, of course, play with real people. Check it out at http://online.bridgebase.com/!”